It Takes 21 Days to Form a Habit, 90 Days to Create a Lifestyle.

21Ninety is a place that unites women of color around issues including wellness, beauty and relationships.


We’re dedicated to delivering accurate and trustworthy content. Our editorial team thoroughly reviews and researches all content on a regular basis to ensure accuracy and timeliness for our audience.

Every article features a writer byline that includes the name as well as a link to more information for each person who contributed to that piece. The date indicates when the piece was most recently updated. Our internal creative team produces original images, graphics, illustrations, and videos unless otherwise noted through a courtesy credit.

Each of our editors, writers, and contributors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest.


Blavity Inc. is committed to independent and fair journalism. We maintain a stringent separation between editorial and advertising content. All Sponsored Content is clearly labeled to notate that it’s been provided by or on behalf of an advertiser or sponsor.

Editors and writers are prohibited from giving preferential treatment to external entities based on their relationship with the person or company who authors or owns that resource. Every writer and editor is wholly responsible for disclosing any conflicts of interest — including relationship, financial, or personal — with any source that may compromise their ability to provide fair and impartial content. Our editorial team is sometimes provided with complimentary products or services for review purposes. We are transparent and disclose when such services are provided. Our editorial team is prohibited from soliciting gifts or services for personal purposes.


If an error or omission occurs that influences the interpretation of content our editorial team will post a Correction. This may include misidentifying a person, or missing the full context of the competing interest of the writer. Errors or omissions that require a correction are considered any changes which impact the interpretation of the article, but the integrity of the content remains intact. Our Corrections Policy is as followed:

  • Correct the online content.
  • Add a footnote to the article that links to the correction piece.

A Retraction will be issued if a major mistake contradicts or compromises the integrity of the content. This includes plagiarism, doctored images, ethical issues, or unrelated data. Our Retraction Policy is as followed:

  • Content is clearly identified as a retraction and published promptly to minimize harmful impact.
  • State who is retracting the content and specify why.

The Removal of content in rare circumstances happens when the error or issue can not be addressed by a correction or retraction. This applies to content that violates the rights to privacy, is defamatory, infringes other legal rights, or subject to legal action. When this occurs content is immediately removed.

  • Correct the online content.
  • Add a footnote to the article that links to the correction piece.

To report an error, please contact us at [email protected] with “ERROR” in the subject line.


We love keeping you in-the-know about the latest happenings that inform, inspire, or cause hysterical laughter. Our editors also enjoy curating the best products for Black Millennials and Gen Zs across the African diaspora. Whether it’s DIY must-haves for homeowners, outfit essentials to help spice up your wardrobe, or last-minute international travel deals — our goal is to only recommend high quality products and offers for our readers.


Not only do we lean into our editorial aptitude and attitude, we rely on some of the most renowned and trusted brands and experts to help inform and influence our readers to make the best purchases. While companies send us products for editorial consideration… selections and opinions are completely our own. Our editorial content adheres to FTC rules governing digital media practices.

When you buy something directly from an affiliate link on one of our articles, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. We only make recommendations from trusted brands and retailers with a proven track record for credibility and reliability.