In today’s fast-paced world, finding ways to boost our mood and motivation can be challenging. The Dopamine Menu, a concept that has gained popularity for its simple yet effective approach to enhancing mental well-being. Let’s take a moment to dive deeper who unpack what is a dopamine menu, and how can you create one tailored to your needs.

Black woman with braids reading a book
Alma Asinobi

What Is a Dopamine Menu?

A dopamine menu is a curated list of pleasurable, healthy habits and activities designed to naturally elevate your dopamine levels. Dopamine, often referred to as the “feel-good” hormone, plays a crucial role in how we experience pleasure, motivation, and focus. By engaging in activities that boost dopamine, you can improve your mood, energy levels, and overall mental health. The idea of a dopamine menu originated from Jessica McCabe, the creator of the YouTube channel “How To ADHD.” She introduced it as a tool to help people with ADHD get the stimulation their brains need without resorting to less healthy habits like doomscrolling. 

How Effective Is A Dopamine Menu 

A dopamine menu works by providing a structured way to engage in activities that bring joy and satisfaction. When you’re feeling low, depressed, or unmotivated having a ready-made list of enjoyable activities can make it easier to choose something uplifting rather than defaulting to unproductive behaviors. This approach is particularly beneficial for those with ADHD, but anyone can benefit from having a dopamine menu. 

How to Create Your Dopamine Menu

Creating a dopamine menu is a personal and flexible process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build your own. Start by identifying your joyful activities. List activities that make you happy and energized. These can be simple things like taking a walk, listening to your favorite music, or enjoying a cup of coffee. Categorize your activities by organizing your activities into sections, similar to a restaurant menu. Common categories in the menu include appetizers which are classified as quick and easy activities that provide a small boost. These include activities like stretching or watching a funny video.

What is an Example of a Dopamine Menu

The most common Dopamine Menus include Entrees, Sides, and Desserts. Entrees are more substantial activities that require a bit more time, attention, and effort, such as cooking a meal or going for a run. Sides are simply complementary activities that can be done alongside others, like listening to a podcast while cleaning. Also, desserts are bite-size treats that you can indulge in occasionally with a long-lasting impact like a spa day or a favorite hobby. 

How To Customize a Dopamine Menu

Personalize your Dopamine Menu to fit you, and nobody else. Your menu needs to be catered to your lifestyle and preferences. You can create different menus for various times of the day, such as morning, afternoon, and evening, or different days of the week. Make sure your dopamine menu is easily accessible. You can write it down in a journal, create a digital version on your phone, or even make a visual board. Consider using apps such as Notion to help you create visual menus. Your preferences and needs may change over time, so update your menu regularly to keep it relevant and exciting. 

A dopamine menu is a powerful tool for enhancing your mental well-being. It provides a structured way to engage in activities that boost your dopamine levels. By creating your personalized menu, you can ensure that you always have a go-to list of activities to lift your mood and keep you motivated. Try this trending method and see how it can transform your daily life.